Friday, July 9, 2010

Biggest Loser's Fitness Ridge! & RECRUITING Incentives!!

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!  For good this time I promise.  I was telling a friend this morning that I am an 'inspired writer'.  It is hard to just sit down and start typing about any-hoo-ha. 

BUT!  I am inspired and I think it may keep up for a while!  Join my blog today so that beginning next Friday you won't miss any part of my next adventure!  I am headed out for 11 days to Vegas and Biggest Loser's Fitness Ridge!  Me, my friend and fellow fitness fanatic, Trish and 5 of our AMAZING clients, did I mention they are AMAZING, are headed out to get our butts kicked for 6 days straight ALL DAY LONG and I can't wait to give you all the play by play.  Hoping to include pics too.  Bringing the laptop and it will be a priority each evening to recount the blessings  and beatings of the day.  I'll be reporting back to you on all of our journeys.  We are so psyched for this and hope you will all reap the benefits of our experiences.

So, join my blog today.  If you are a member, please spread the word!  Actually if you are a current trainee of mine, then I offer the incentive of $1 off your future training for every person you get to follow my blog!!!  I will even throw in a bonus of $5 for every 10 people you recruit!!  So that's $15 (the price of a small group session) for every 10 people you get to follow my blog!!  Not bad huh?  Just have that person write a comment on the blog as to who recruited them and I will keep track. 

My goal by the end of the year is to have at least 100 followers.  I truly believe that my challenges and my triumphs are tools and inspirations to help others lead a healthier life!  So, now I ask you for your help!  You have been faithful followers and I want to know that I appreciate YOU!  And, if you are not a trainee and can't take advantage of the $$ incentive, then help anyway knowing that your 'prize' is that YOU may help a loved one start his/her own journey toward better health by getting them involved in my blog!  Thank you so much guys!  You are the best!

Until Later...

1 comment:

  1. Rebecca Brown recuited me to follow your blog. Have a fun and safe trip. :)
