Saturday, July 24, 2010

A Little Tongan Motivation, Fruit Hoarding, Movie Night "Fitness Ridge" Style & Graduation

Hi All!  This will be my last blog until I get home and can add some pics and give a little summarization of the entire trip.

Thursday we hiked  the 'Saddle', and it is very appropriately named as we climbed between two mountains in a place that resembled a horse saddle.  Giddy up, Cowgirls!

It was definately the best hike in terrain difficulty.  Pics are posted on FB, please be sure to check them out!  The hiking has been one of the most memorable parts of this trip.  Utah has beautiful mountain ranges and lots of sandstone.  I decided that I actually like hiking and am going to try and talk my wonderful hubby into a hiking trip next year with Trishy and Lisa!  I won't tell him that I am also going to invite their husbands... haha!

Today's hike was a flat trail that was 8.5 miles round trip.  6 of us ended up going.  Jenny and Joanna were on the waiting list, but they didn't tell us until 6:20 am that they actually booked another van for the wait list.  Joanna was staying at the Ridge to take a 2 1/2 hour Cardio Blast class.  Jenny had already taken off on her own hike.  Fortunately, we passed her and picked her up on the way! 

Lisa, Trish and I set the goal to do the whole thing in the 2 hour hike period.  We succeeded!  Our butts and legs were hurting but it was worth it.  The surroundings were gorgeous and we were actually able to take it all in because we didn't have to constantly look where our next footstep was going.

We are rounding out our trip here and ready to head back to Vegas tomorrow for one more night.  We are very excited for that and that we are going to be going home soon too.  All of us are starting to really miss our families and familiar surroundings.  It is amazing that some people here are here for 4-6 weeks at a time.  Amazing!

So, BLOG TOPIC today!  Thursday before we started our afternoon classes we were all pretty darn beat. We had circuit training as our first of 3 ass-kickings of the afternoon.  Joanna left the room a little early and moments later came pounding on the door... Felipe and Sione from 2 seasons ago Biggest Loser were here.  You remember those crazy Tonga guys that were really loud and crazy?  I was never a big fan because they were Jillian-haters.  However, we worked out right next to them and got a group picture taken!  They were actually very kind (and BIG, not fat, jusy BIG).  It was very motivating!  I think Fitness Ridge must have known we needed a little pick me up :)

Sometime yesterday in our room, Tina had a confession.  She told me that there must be something wrong with her because everytime she leaves the dining room, she wants to take a piece of fruit.  Not to eat, but just to stick (hoard) in the closet in case.  In case of what?  I'm not sure.  Perhaps Chef Cam might go on strike?  LOL.  Sorry Tina, I know I am picking on you but you are just so darn hysterical.  For those of you who don't know Tina, she has a very 'off the cuff' sense of humor and she makes us laugh so much.  Laughing, is after all, the best medicine.  Especially to get through this week.

Last night we decided we were going to stay up a little bit later so Tina went and rented, P.S. I Love You.  She went down to the desk to get the dvd and the girl said there was no charge for it.  So, because Tina is so thoughtful, she decided to bring the 3 of us a 'movie night treat' back... Yeeeeeeeeesss!  In the door she walks with.... (drum roll, please)... 3 bottles of Propel water in 3 different flavors!  Yippee!! No, seriously, we were so darn EXCITED!

It really has been a great adventure.  Besides our Test-out tomorrow (to see what we accomplished with weight loss, body fat and measurements), our journey here has ended.  It has been a successful, memorable and amazing week here for all of us.  We are sad to go, but ready to take on the next adventure in each of our lives, although, most parts are not together.  I am happy to say that I think I have grown closer to each and every one of "The Lucky Seven", and I look forward to continuing to build our friendships and our training relationships.  These women are very special.  Just a few special comments I would like to say to each of them. 

Lisa, you are still one of the biggest Rock Stars I have met, and I can't wait to train you a littler harder than I already do because I know you will let me and I know you will like it (I was just kidding about the spinning bike :) )

Joanna, I am glad that you had your 'Epiphany' moment today.  I hope that it fuels your fire and desire to continue this journey long after we leave here.  You know that I am here to kick your ass and motivate you whenever you need it.  Your challenges ahead ain't got NOTHING on you.  You can do it and you are WORTH it!

Jenny (Mama), you probably did more than any pregnant-with-twins person ever could do while you were here.  I know it was the journey you 'expected' but you made it a journey to be 'respected'.  You are an amazing person and a friend for life.  I would like to say I would baby-sit the twins, but you know that won't happen.  However, when they are like 10, I would gladly kick their butts in boot camp or if they are girls, when they are 5 (I start them young) I will take them on weekend shopping trips! 

Tina, Tina, Tina... not only are you intelligent and freakin' hilarious at the same time, you also are a hard worker.  I saw you push your limits this trip, and I'm happy to say that I can't wait until your achilles feels better so I can really start kicking your ass in small group sessions and boot camp!  And, as Life-Coach-Jen says, when you are really having a bad day resisting all that garbage out there, just eat 3 pieces of fruit instead of just one!  I know that you will continue your closet stash at home :)  Just remember though that fruit in the dark may ripen faster than out on your kitchen counter.  So, maybe it's time for the fruit to come out of the closet...

Shawn, you IMPRESS me, girlfriend!  You KICKED ASS here!!!  I'll never forget our Stop-Sign hike.  Every second of the way, I knew you would be able to do it, and at some point along the way, you had that breakthrough moment and realized that YOU could do it.  So So So proud and honored to have shared in this journey with you.  I hope that you will consider letting me kick your butt a little more than I already do in the near future, because I will be soooooo happy to help you get stronger and stronger.

Trishy,  I love you soooo much, Sister.  I know we didn't room together this trip and I missed you that way, but always seeing your smiling face made so much of this easier.  The first time we did Mountain (on Monday) and we were on that 12th level increase, I didn't think I could finish because I had bumped up my running speed WAAAYYYYY to soon.... Miley Cyrus' The Climb (remixed of course) came on the ipod play list and it gave me the inspiration and motivation I needed to make it through those last 3 minutes.  I was thinking of you and what you mean to my life during those 3 minutes.  After all you have been through in the past year and a half, there was absolutely nothing in that 3 minutes that was too big for me at that moment.  I thought I was gonna puke and poop my pants, I did neither and I think I finished at 8.5 or 9.0 mph sprint over the last 30 seconds.  So, thank you for that.  Everybody else, sorry about that puke/poop comment, but it had to be said.  LOL.

Anyway, I have a massage in 5 minutes.  I will make this short (Haha), well the rest of it anyway.

The Lucky Seven...signing off...
We did:
Give Everything We Had!!!

Love you guys!

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