Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Power of Movement: EASE vs. DisEASE

Our diets are so much a part of our overall health that I spend a lot of time here talking about it.  I implore my clients, friends and family to seriously take their diets into consideration as 80% of their 'total healthy life' equation.  That will never change: 80% Diet, 20% Exercise.  From this we can conclude that if we don't address poor dietary habits we can exercise until we are blue in the face and it won't make a significant difference overall. 

With that said, we also know how important exercise is in our daily lives.  With movement we are 'well-oiled machines' per say, without it... think of the rusted up Tin-Man from The Wizard of Oz. 

To be able to MOVE with EASE through the power of regular physical activiy, which strengthens our heart muscle and all other skeletal muscles, which strengthens our connective tissues, which helps prevent osteoporosis and arthritis in our joints, which all the benefits are so vast I couldn't possibly name them all... is an absolute, sure-fire way, to prevent disease.  After all, can't we break the word disease down to 'dis'-ease?  Without the ease of movement, which our bodies are designed for, we are on a path to dis-ease not only of our movement but of our internal organs that thrive on being active!  Over the last few decades, so much forced or implied movement has been removed by the booming technologies that make it so easy for us to sit on our butts.  Isn't this true? 

Our body, our metabolism, is extremely efficient.  It is not wasteful.  If we don't move our asses, then our metabolism adjusts and only works as hard as it needs to.  Why wouldn't it?  It is perfection.  Our bodies adjust to whatever circumstances we place on it... whether good or bad. 

When we don't move and we eat too much crap, what happens?  Well, just turn on the first episodes of this season's Biggest Loser and question answered... our body adjusts and gets fatter and fatter and less efficient because we are telling it that it isn't required to do much and yet we are giving it way too much food and it miraculously adjusts by expanding. 

On the other hand, if we push it to limits that it is above and beyond what it used to, what happens?  Well, now you just have to turn on a current episode of this season's Biggest Loser and question answered... those previously 'dis-eased' individual's are now of the physical body of an elite athlete.  Don't tell me it can't be done. The human body is versatile and amazing.

So, my message today is... get moving!  Move a little more this year than last, more this month than last, more this week than last, MOVE more today than yesterday. Before you know it... You will have a healthier body and mind. All great accomplishments start with a single step forward.  Nobody said it would be easy, but isn't anything you really want in life worth a lot of hard work?  Isn't the Ease of Movement something that you really want?

Today I Will Give Everything I Have.
Until later... Trace

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