Monday, April 12, 2010

The 1st Monday...

So I pose the question... what is it about Mondays?  Why is it that every Sunday evening I have the best intentions to accomplish the most on Mondays.  A new week.  A 'fresh' start following a weekend of 'non-routine' events (like 3 dinners out!).  Perhaps because I am so stereotypically a Virgo by nature and in love with the NEW's, the START OVER'S, the CLEAN SLATE's, that I set such high expectations of that first day of each new week, the Monday, setting myself up for defeat? 

Come on, seriously, my friends, tell me you don't KNOW what I am talking about.  Isn't Monday the proverbial "start the new diet day"?  Haven't we all started our diets on Monday a thousand, million times?  How many times does it end up after all that insane weekend effort designating Monday as "THE DAY"... looking just like Friday and Saturday and Sunday?  Oh I think more times than we care to count or admit.

So, why is this Monday, what I am calling the '1st Monday' going to be any different than all the other Mondays in my dieting life?  Good question.  I guess the day will tell the tale.  So, far so good.  It's 11 am.  I have done my first workout (at 5:50 am), spinning.  I have had an egg white with mushroom omelet for a late breakfast.  Oh, at 5:30 am it was a banana, followed at 6:50 by a protein shake (pre/post workout fuel).  I have had 24 ounces of water and I am feeling pretty darn good about my efforts thus far (putting aside the sinus crap).

Up until right now, this moment, I have been feeling like I have taken on a mountain with this new quest of mine.  especially against "The Boys".  But, if I break it down in terms of it is just another day of the week and I must take each one of them 'one step at a time', then I conclude that limitations are self-perceived.  I am a warrior.  I am a woman.  Hear me roar, boys....

Today I Will Give Everything I Have,
:) Traci

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