Friday, April 23, 2010

Week 2 of 6 Week Transformation --- The Results are in!!

Hopefully none of 'The Boys' are reading my blog to see how great I am doing.  I would like to keep it a surprise...haha.  I told two of them this morning that I gained weight since we started.  Of course, they didn't believe me for a second.

So, Week 2.  I weighed myself in this morning at 148.6!  I am down 5 pounds in 2 weeks.  Right on schedule for a 15-18 pound loss over 6 weeks.  I had a cheat day over the weekend and still lost 2 pounds this week.  There is NO pizza (my favorite food) in my plan for this weekend, so Week 3 goal is 3 pounds.

Finding your perfect formula --> So here is the deal... I have been doing this a long time, that is figuring my perfect formula of losing or maintaining my weight.  For almost a year, as I mentioned in the beginning of this blog, I have been maintaining a healthy weight within a 5 pound range.  Based on trial and error for many years, I found what worked best for me.  On the flipside, I also know exactly what kinds of foods and how much food in combination with how much exercise that I need to lose x amount of pounds in a week.  Pretty much, I wake up on Fridays, and before I get on the scale I am pretty sure about what number will pop up.  It is pretty simple science actually, calories in/calories out.  My FitDay program really helps with that in the Overview section where it shows my past week on a graph of calories in versus calories out.  3500 calories equals a pound.  So if you want to lose 2 pounds in a week you have to have an intake deficit of 7000 calories over your calories burned.  On a day to day basis that means over a 7 day period to lose 2 pounds, you have to burn 1000 more calories a day than you take in!  It's that simple!  And, it works.

So, how do you do this?  It takes a little work to figure yourself out.  The only sure-fire way I have found to learn this about yourself is to JOURNAL your food intake and exercise.  I can't say it enough.  No one said this was going to be easy. 

The truth is that our food industry wants us to believe that we need so much more food in a day than we actually do.  Go to any restaurant and just look at those gigantic portions swimming in butter and/or oil.  We have to EDUCATE ourselves as to what we are putting in our mouths and how much.  Start paying attention today!  It's never too late.

Today I will give everything I have...

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