Friday, January 21, 2011

Visiting my bro and sis

Good evening!

It is late and it has been a long day. Made it to Oregon without a hitch. This morning (at 2:30am) when my travel day began I am happy to say that I am 2 pounds from goal with 3 days to go and today being one of those days was an effortless clean eating day. All meals out and nothing bad for me. I even took my brother, his family and my sister to Applebees where each of us adults made great choices.

For those of you who do not know part of the reason I am here is to be my brother's 'Jillian Michaels' for a few days. He is still doing great and I think he is ready to refocus. He has a great attitude and realizes that his road to better health is a long and learning journey.

From my brother's journey I am reminded of a few things:
1. We are not always going to be perfect nor should we expect ourselves to be.
2. As all roads have twists, turns, bumps, detours and U-turns... So do our weight loss journeys.
3. remember for every uphill there is a downhill; the hard work of the climb helps us appreciate the easy breezy effortless downhills in life.
4. Raising a family, supporting a family and trying to be healthy yourself is very hard. but, remember 'always to put on your own oxygen mask before assisting others'
5. ... When you almost need a whole hand of fingers to count the years that have gone by since you have seen your sibling, it is entirely too long :(

so good to be here. Makes all this eating right and taking care of myself seem second nature and not so difficult in the grand scheme of things.

tomorrow I am headed to the Y with Will to do a little bit a training, Inspire Fitness style!
Then it's grocery shopping and a little cooking at their house. Then another trip to the Y w the whole family for a Disney themed workout!!

Exciting stuff :)

over and out...

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