Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What is it that you WANT?

This is Day 9 of my 21 day challenge.

We are not quite halfway yet, but just about.  If you were someone who decided to play along and take this challenge, how is it going?  Are you where you hoped to be?  Or, are you where you expected to be?
Is this just another goal you have set in your life that you decide halfway through (or not quite) that you will give up because it is not working for you?

If you are where you hoped to be at this point, then kudos to you and keep up the work.  It is definitely worth it and by now you KNOW it.
If you are where you expected to be and this is just one of those 'diet attempts' that did not work for you, then I ask... why not?  Why is it not working for you?

Do you know the answer to that question?  If you are not sure or you know for sure that you don't, the answer lies in the simple question of What IS IT that YOU WANT?

For instance, if you answer that question by saying, "My goal is to lose 20 pounds and feel better", however, 9 days in you are struggling with this whole new concept of clean eating and you haven't lost much if anything; then something is NOT working for you.  And, I can guarantee that it has NOTHING to do with the diet plan.  IT works.  IT works with the simple mathematical equation of did I burn more calories than I consumed in any given day.  There are VERY FEW instances where that biology doesn't work in that exact way.

So where is the discrepancy?  I believe, based on personal and professional experience, that the discrepancy lies in the answer to this question... 'what do you want MORE?'  Do you want to keep the status quo daily diet (which has gotten you to where you are now), MORE than the GOAL?  It truly is that simple.  If you don't truly seek change, you won't get it.  I am not saying that to be negative, I am saying it because it is the cold, hard truth.

In order to achieve the goal of better health and fitness through weight loss, changes must be made to our diets.  We can exercise until we are blue in the face and it's not gonna make a damn difference unless we change the way we eat.  80% of the healthy life equation is our daily diet, 10% is exercise and 10% is what mother nature stuck you with (genetics).  

What has changed for you over the past 9 days?  Is it working for you toward achieving your goal?  This is possible, you just have to decide if it is WHAT YOU WANT.

Well, I guess that's that huh?  Haha. 

The skinny on the scale this morning:
DOWN 4 POUNDS!  Yippee!  I told you it was all that sodium over the weekend.  So, not only did I blast away the sodium trap from Sat/Sun, because I got myself right back on track I dropped some more.  So, total to date in 9 days of challenge... down 6.9 pounds.  Better yet?... my jeans fit! 

This is very obviously something that I WANT.

Share your stories my friends.  This is how we all learn and get inspired from each other.  You are not alone.

Until tomorrow,


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